August diary entries

It’s Hot.

We’re Baking.

It’s Baking Hot…

We’re Baking AND Baking Hot!

We’re Teaching Baking and SO Hot we’re almost crispy!

But the breads have all risen like rockets, gloriously golden and drenched in sunlight, each bite a morsel of heaven.

A super busy month, it’s been. Lots of gluten free classes, including one with a visiting librarian from Trinidad, and a couple of very special Korovai workshops, making Ukrainian wedding breads. We managed to fit in some sourdough sessions, and to teach a father and daughter how to make mouthwatering croissants. Very satisfying all round!

Bride-to-be Nelli Orlova and her mother, Galyna, braiding decorative dough with Penny (centre).
Three unique korovai with decorations symbolising love, fidelity, eternity and fertility.
Gluten Free Mastery Class: sourdoughnuts, pizza, teff& cacao sour, buckwheat & chestnut, cide apple sour, sunflower seeded and more…
Solution to heatwaves: early breakfasts on the beach at Wembury!